Dunya Statistics from 8/3/2011 to 21/12/2023


A lady visited the center


Services provided to women at the center


A woman diagnosed with breast cancer


A woman receiving free services

Why Choose Dunya?

Dunya is distinguished in providing various diagnostic medical examinations and in using state-of-the-art approaches for early detection of genital and breast cancer diseases. Dunya is the only center in Palestine that provides the following services

Dunya is distinguished by providing various diagnostic medical examinations and using the latest equipment

Breast clinic

Breast clinic

Taking a clinical patient history with a supportive environment and individual awareness Radiological examination: Mammogram and Ultrasound Ultrasound(U/S) guided true cut breast biopsy

Gynecology Clinic

Gynecology Clinic

Provides: gynecologist takes a careful history, consultation and support Clinical examination: pelvic U/S, pap smear, HPV screening, cervical exam to diagnose and treat reproductive system disorders

Oncology Clinic

Oncology Clinic

Oncologist provides and gives patient results, discusses treatment plan and follow ups Oncologist explains the steps for treatment, allowing patient to ask questions in order to alleviate the trauma of her condition.

Complementary Services

Complementary Services

Offers psychological support to adjust to the surgery and prepares patient for what to expect throughout recovery.

Onco-Plastic Surgery Clinic

Onco-Plastic Surgery Clinic

Clinic helps patients to recover with less pain and fewer



Provides any numerous blood exams and urinalysis

Dunya is distinguished by providing various diagnostic medical examinations and using the latest equipment

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

سرطان الثدي محدود القدرة ويمكننا التغلب عليه بروح الأمل وقوة العزيمة ودفء الحب .. .لنعش لحظة الانتصار فأجمل الايام تلك التي لم نعشها بعد



للكشف المبكر عن سرطان عنق الرحم يجب الانتظام بزيارة العيادة النسائية التخصصية لاجراء الفحوصات


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